
Manageable Growth
Continuous Growth focusing on the core business within the manageable scope.
Customer-Centric Innovation
Customer-Centric Innovation Commitment to OEM strategy identifying customer needs and wants.
Core Values

Our History
1954 – 1980: Inception of SL

1960 Manufactured first head lamp for bicycle
1966 Exported head lamp to Vietnam
1969 Delivered head lamp to Hyundai Motors
1972 Exported fog lamp to Europe
1978 Selected as auto parts specialized company from the Korea Government
1981 – 2000: Leaping and Growing

of head lamp for automotive
1985 Formed JV operations with GM for lighting manufacturing
(Samsung, Co.)
1986 Established an in-house research center
1995 Established KDS (J/V with Delphi) – Established Detroit
engineering center in U.S.
1997 Established Samlip Lumax Ltd – Received GM QSTP Awards
2000 Established Samlip America
2001 – 2006: Expanding Global Footprint

2002 Established Beijing/Shanghai office in China
2003 Incorporation of Samplip American Alabama – Established
Shiyan Dongfeng Samlip
2004 Changed company name to SL Corporation
2005 Established SL Yantai through individual investment – Acquisition
of Wooyoung Mirror Systems
2007 – Present: Technology Advancement
2007 Certified for A2LA (American Association
for Laboratory Accreditation)
2008 Established Shanghai engineering center in China
2009 55th anniversary of the SL foundation and declared
the new vision
2010 Operating engineering center in India
2011 Acquired CMMI Level 3 certification
2012 Established SL Poland Sp.zo.o
2013 Received GM Overdrive Awards
2014 Received GM QSTP Awards 18 years in a row
2015 Won Order of Gold Tower Industrial Service Merit for excellent labor-management culture
2016 Recognized as one of top 100 companies for job creation
2017 Received GM SOY (Supplier of the Year) AWARD for the 20th time
2019 Received GM SOY Award for the 22nd time
Code of Ethics
The source of SL that can be shaken is in ethics management.
Chapter 1 - Responsibilities and obligation duty to customers
SL always assures unconditional trust from customers by constantly creating and providing value to help customers in their belief that the customer is a true business foundation.
Respect for customers We always listen to our customer’s opinions, think that our customers’ needs are always right, and make customers the highest priority of all judgments and actions.
Creation of Value Under the recognition that customer’s development is our development, we always strive to find the value that customer needs. We continue to create true values that can be substantial help and satisfaction to our customers.
Providing Value We tell the truth to the customer and keep the promise with the customer. We provide the highest quality products and services at reasonable prices to our customers and respond quickly and accurately to their legitimate needs.
Chapter 2 - Fair Competition
SL will comply with local laws and regulations in all business activities around the world and gain competitive advantage in legitimate means.
The pursuit of free competition 1) We respect the world’s market economy order under the principle of free competition and secure customer’s trust with high quality products and services. 2) Compete fairly in good faith with true ability and not infringe on competitors’ profit or exploit weaknesses unfairly.
Compliance with laws and regulations All business activities in Korea and abroad shall be carried out in accordance with the laws and regulations of the respective countries and respect the customs of the trade.
Chapter 3 - Square Deal
All transactions are conducted in accordance with the principles of free competition, with equal opportunities for participation, and seek common development from a long-term perspective by establishing mutual trust and cooperation through transparent and fair transactions
Equal Opportunity 1) SL equally entitles all qualified entrepreneurs to participate in customer registration and selection. 2) Customer registration and selection shall be conducted in a reasonable manner in accordance with objective and impartial examination criteria.
Fair Transaction procedure 1) All transactions are made fairly in a mutual equal position and the transaction conditions and transaction procedures are fully negotiated. 2) Do not take any form of unfair activity that uses superior position. 3) The necessary information for the transaction is provided mutually on a timely basis with appropriate procedures and the transaction results are periodically evaluated and complemented with fair standards.
The pursuit of mutual development 1) We will actively support our customers on the long term by providing technical support and management guidance so customers can grow competitively and share the profits which generated through innovation. We will make mutual efforts with our customers in order to create a clean and fair trade.
Chapter 4 - Basic Ethics of employees
Employees establish the right values of SL with honest and fair beliefs and accomplish their mission through constant self-development and fair job performance.
Basic Ethics 1) Employees have self-conceit as SL and always maintain an honest and fair attitude. 2) Always strive to maintain the dignity of individuals and SL with high ethical values.
Fulfillment of mission 1) Employees shall faithfully carry out their mission in accordance with the company’s vision and policy. 2) Assigned duties shall be carried out in the best manner and comply with all relevant laws and regulations. 3) Maintain the company’s property and protect the confidentiality of the company. 4) Cooperate and communicate actively with colleagues and related departments to increase efficiency of business.
Self-development Set up the desirable right person themselves and strive constantly to become through continuous self-development.
Fair job performance 1) Always strive with honesty and fairness when performing all duties and contribute to the development of a sound corporate culture. 2) We do not take any form of monetary or material benefit from stakeholders that could interfere with fairness of judgment in relation to our duties 3) Do no engage in unethical acts that can be grieved from society in relation to daily life and work.
Avoid conflict with the company 1) Avoid any act or relationship that conflicts with the interests of the company and the individual. 2) Do not use the property of the company for personal benefit.
Confidentiality of Industrial information (Security compliance) 1) To comply with the company’s security regulations, recognize that all of our information is an important corporate asset and make security work.
Chapter 5 - Responsibility to Employees
The company respects all its employees as a human being, treat them fairly in accordance with their ability and achievements and endeavors to fully demonstrate the creativity of their employees
Respect for human 1) SL treats each employee as an independent person with mutual equal faith 2) Employees will do their best to achieve pride and reward through work based on their own consciousness. 3) To take necessary measures such as establishment of the system and education and guidance so that employees can perform their mission in a fair way.
Fair treatment 1) Equal opportunities are given according to the abilities and qualities of employees. 2) Evaluate and adequately compensate employees for their ability and achievement in accordance with fair standards.
Promotion of creativity 1) Maximize the conditions under which employee’s creative thinking and autonomous behavior perspective. 2) Support employees’ ability development actively and cultivate human resources from a long-term perspective. Respect the privacy of individuals and build a mature organizational culture based on mutual trust and understanding.
Chapter 6 - State and Social Responsibility
SL helps to protect shareholders’ benefits and contributes to the social development of the people by growing as a sound company with rational business development.
Development of rational business 1) Operate business by respecting the social values of the region regardless of home and abroad. 2) We plan to expand business based on stable growth of the company.
Protection of shareholder benefits 1) Protecting shareholders’ ROI by realizing sound profit through effective management.
Contribution to social development 1) Contribute to the nation’s development through the creation of employment and earnest payment of taxes and contribute to social development through cultural and welfare projects.
Protection of environment We make best efforts to prevent environmental pollution and to protect nature to preserve clean environment.
Development of rational business 1) This code of ethics shall be enforced on January 1, 2004. 2) This code of Ethics aims to expand the business on the basis of stable growth of the company.
Ethics Practice Guidelines 1) To enable employees to practice ethical codes thoroughly, guidelines for ethical practice shall be established and operated separately in relation to the reception of gifts and entertainment.
Awards and discipline 1) Employees who comply the Code of Ethics and who have a merit in the company’s ethical management activities are rewarded. 2) Employees who violated the Code of Ethics and Ethical Practice Guidelines should be punished.
Counseling and consulting 1) Employees should consult with management if they have any questions in interpreting or implementing the Ethics Code and Ethics Practice Guidelines.
Interpretation Standard 1) In cases where a dispute in the interpretation of ethics management activities that is not stipulated in the Ethics Code and Ethics Practice Guideline, interpretation and decision of the Ethics Bureau shall be followed.
Relationship with other regulations in the company The Code of Ethics, which is the basis of ethical management, takes precedence over other regulations in the company.